Here's how I did it
Have you ever seen those chain cutting stations in B and Q? Well the chain is from one of them - which by the way is a lot of fun to use (not that i'm advocating playing with it of course!) and only a couple of quid a metre depending on your choice of chain.
Have you ever seen those chain cutting stations in B and Q? Well the chain is from one of them - which by the way is a lot of fun to use (not that i'm advocating playing with it of course!) and only a couple of quid a metre depending on your choice of chain.

Unclip the last link on one strand and use it to connect the other two on before bending the link back together. Repeat this for the second pile except for adding a jewellery clip aswell as the other two strands.

I made two of these, one for myself (naturellement) and one I gave as a gift for a friends birthday.

Be inspired